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تحسن الاداء

relevante Treffer
betterment (n.) , [pl. betterments]
to be fine (v.)
to ameliorate (v.) , [ ameliorated ; ameliorated ]
to meliorate (v.) , [ meliorated ; meliorated ]
to amend (v.) , [ amended ; amended ]
upgrade (adv.)
amelioration (n.) , [pl. ameliorations]
reform (n.) , [pl. reforms]
to become better (v.) , {get, grow}
to be well (v.)
uptrend (n.) , [pl. uptrends]
development (n.) , [pl. developments]
recovery (n.) , [pl. recoveries]
upturn (n.) , [pl. upturns]
to improve (v.) , [ improved ; improved ]
capability (n.) , [pl. capabilities]
meliorative (adj.) , [ more meliorative ; most meliorative ]